The 6 Universal Month in the 5 Universal Year: Responsibility and Restlessness
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The moment we've been anticipating has arrived at long last. So long, 2020- don't let the door hit ya where your Maker split ya. Hail 2021, and well met!
If you're new to my website and this blog series, please check out this post first to better define the 5 Universal Year and the overall numerology of 2021. What I'll be discussing here are this month's numerology influences on a larger scale. We see these influences in our news headlines and in the changing focus and attitudes of the masses. They are different from our own individual Personal Years and Months, which we feel on a far more intimate level. The Universal Year and Month indicates the lessons humanity may be learning as a whole, and that's the focus of this series.
Typically, at this point, I discuss the previous month and do a little recap of events, pointing out stories I found notable in their alignment with the Universal Month and Year in play- but you know what? I am SO OVER 2020 that I don't want to acknowledge it anymore. I can't! Nope. Nope. Nope. It's had enough of my energy. If you would like to look back, you are most welcome to read the December 2020 blog and draw your own conclusions. I hope you'll forgive me for fast-tracking my usual flow of conversation and heading straight into the future. Recaps will return next month, once my distaste for the past 12 months simmers down a bit.
The maiden voyage of 2021 and the 5 Universal Year is about to launch, and the first stretch of the journey kicks off with a 6 Universal Month. 6 transits bring lessons and themes about:
Responsibility. What are we teaching others?
Protecting home and hearth.
Caregiving and health. Advocacy.
Stubbornness and our opinions.
Being of service. Beautifying our relationships and environments.
With the over-arching influence of the 5 Universal Year in play, how might that mix with the 6 Universal Month? Can they get along?
The answer? It's complicated.
The earthy, physical 5 vibration enhances the desire to pack one's bags, get out in the world, and breathe in the fresh air. I don't presume to speak for everyone, but I know I'm picking up that vibe all over the place. So many people are READY for freedom and elbow room. The problem is the uber-responsible 6 is here, reminding us that before we can go play, we have to clean our rooms, make some meals in advance, drive the neighbor to their doctor's appointment, get the pets in for their routine check-up, etc.
What's the theme here? Accountability and domestic duties first. We may wanna kick off our shoes and go play in the surf, but it isn't time for many of us. Not just yet, anyway. Multiple projections indicate things could worsen before they get better- and that 6 vibe is instructing us in no uncertain terms that we need to stay vigilant and act like responsible adults for a little while longer. Trust me, the 6 gets pretty headstrong about teaching this lesson, so push back against it at your own peril.
Any 6 transit signals lessons about altruism and service to others- specifically those close by either family or your community of choice. 6 is the devoted parent and caring advisor. It longs to nourish others through love, food, the arts, and other modalities that create harmony and well-being. The 6 vibe demands that we set aside our impulsivity or any other "me first" behavior. It wants us to care for each other and give back, which means temporarily putting our own cravings for escapades and adventures on the back burner. The 6 requires us to make mature, conventional choices- in this way, it overlaps with shades of the 4. And no doubt- no doubt- many of us are soooooo tired of that routine. (Thank you so very much, previous-year-who-shall-not-be-named.)
If you've read any of my earlier posts about the 4 Universal Year, you'll remember I've stated that the stern lessons of the 4 can linger on into the 5 if its homework hasn't been adequately finished. Well, with the 6 Universal Month kicking things off, it's no wonder it's gonna side with its buddy and help make sure our assignments are returned and completed in full. (The 4 and 6 often get along splendidly due to their shared love of stability and conventionality.)
The 6 also asks us what it means to do the right thing. Are we sufficiently advocating for the voiceless? We may encounter amplified tests and lessons about how we treat and care for the vulnerable- a timely assignment as this pandemic rolls on, people continue to struggle on reduced incomes, and as we wait for vaccines to roll out. And speaking of the pandemic, nurses, CNAs, social workers, and all other human-services and caregiving related workers in clinics, wellness facilities, and hospitals are highlighted under the 6.
Now, take all of these themes and blend them with the 5 vibration, which is known for the following attributes:
Change, transformation, and uncertainty.
High concentration levels of energy and activity. Disorder.
Feelings of restlessness. Taking things to excess.
A desire for freedom and individualism.
Refusing to play by the rules. Rebellion.
What might we see, and what can we do? As always, it's all just theory and conjecture- we never really know until we are through to the other side. But I like hypothesizing, and let's be real- that's why you're here, right? Ha!
The 5 has a talent for ramping up energetic output, so it would be utterly unsurprising if predictions about the rising stress and strain on hospitals manifest or reach a new breaking point. Think of the visual of rising water backing up behind a dam. Our healthcare workers are literally trying to hold back the current. If something is going to give, it could happen this month. Therefore, do your part to stem the tide. Continue to take extra steps to ensure the health of both yourself and your family, no matter how fatigued you may be by the whole mask+social distance routine. Do everything you can to keep yourself and your loved ones out of the healthcare system for now, if remotely possible. This testing time will eventually pass, and we are closer than ever to putting this entire thing behind us. In the meantime, the 6 is literally demanding increased accountability from all of us.
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THANK YOU, healthcare workers!
A new year's arrival often sparks the desire to execute ambitious new plans that will change things for the better, and with that exuberant 5 taking the reins, this vibe will likely be amplified. With the thoughtful and responsible 6 in play, it might feel like a little bit of a wet blanket ruining the party- telling everyone they can't start drinking until all the party trays meet all the food pyramid requirements and aesthetically pleasing floral arrangements are displayed in every room. You might want to gorge on cake and cookies, but the 6 demands "not until you've eaten all your vegetables!" The 6 puts great thought into creating conditions that feel comforting, which means pumping the breaks on impetuousness and hasty decisions. In other words, we may be ready to jump on that proverbial racehorse and go bursting through that gate, but the horse and livery stable keeper have other plans in mind. So if you have any enthusiastic New Years Resolutions on the docket, make provisions for a slow rollout to best guarantee the 6 doesn't put a damper on them.
With the 5's emphasis on physical prowess and the 6's stress on nourishment and care, January 2021 is a fantastic time to re-evaluate our relationship with food. It may also be a time where we hear increased chatter about the food supply chain. The 6 likes to rally around its community, so this is an excellent time to support your local farmers and food suppliers. Shop local to strengthen your area's economy, and choose foods that improve your wellness. It's a win-win!
With this 5/6 combo in play, it's an excellent time for volunteering for local organizations that want to create positive change in your community. There is great joy in giving back and knowing you're helping to make a difference. What can you do to improve the quality of life of others in your area?
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Since the USA is my country of origin, and many of my readers also live here (my loving apologies to my friends of all other nationalities), I sometimes make special note of what's explicitly happening here. Even if you aren't American, what happens here can create a ripple effect worldwide, so this is another reason I give it my specific energy.
The USA is a 5 Birthpath, making the American attitude one of liberty, defiance, and nonconformity. All of these qualities have long been visible, but they have been on particular display in the face of COVID-19. January will be the apex of the USA's 6 Personal Year. It is worth noting that the 6 Universal Month aligns with the peak of the USA's 6 Personal Year. These double 6 vibes sometimes exacerbate that feeling of "hometown pride." By itself, that can be very lovely. However, with the ever-expansive, excess-loving 5 in play, this could go too far—the shadow side of this pride is exceptionalism and possible nationalism. I'm hoping there will be enough advocates and protectors motivated by the 6's loving energy to keep that potential tendency in check.
Additionally, it merits noting that the USA kicks off 2021 with a 7 Personal Month, which is likely to signal unforeseen influences revealing themselves. 7s rule the unseen, life's mysteries, and exposing the unknown. It requires us to be patient. If we have been living in denial, the 7 will serve us up a reality sandwich straight to the face. Between an impending governmental transition of power (which some still debate) and the new coronavirus variant's confirmed emergence, the launch of our 2021 will likely be murky, complex, and full of soul searching. Le sigh. Well, the consolation here is this can't, and won't, go on forever.
In summation, the new and happier reality we long for may make not its launch immediately, and with complications. If so, do not be discouraged. Believe me, the 5 will eventually get its way. Where there is stagnation, there WILL be forward momentum, and soon. The 5 can throw off any restrictions. The ball will indeed get rolling, but its speed may be rocky and uneven at first. Play the long game on this, folks. From a numbers standpoint, I think we will have a much clearer picture of what this 5 Universal Year will be serving up by May, a One Universal Month. It's coming, folks- keep your eyes on the horizon line.
Notable quotes for the 6/5 combo:
"The price of greatness is responsibility."
― Winston Churchill
"Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so."
― Noam Chomsky
"The right thing to do and the hard thing to do are usually the same."
― Steve Maraboli
“And gradually you'll bloom
For- it takes time for a flower
To bloom”
― Mairaj Fatima
"There are only four kinds of people in the world.
Those who have been caregivers.
Those who are currently caregivers.
Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver."
― Rosalyn Carter
This blog, and all blogs on this website © Bethany Abrahamson 2020 – InTheKnow Tarot+Numerology LLC. All rights reserved.