The 9 is one of the Spiritual numbers. It represents expanded consciousness, higher teachings, higher learning, transcendence, and spiritual ascendency. It represents God, the Universe itself, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. It's big stuff. As a result, it can be dramatic- after all, one does not spiritually grow and mature without passing some tests first. These tests aren't subtle; they often feel like a cosmic 2x4 upside the head.
Read MoreI now live in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. For reference, my new island home is in the same time zone as Iceland. I am 1-2 hours behind mainland Europe, and 4-7 ahead of the continental US. In the name of striking a balance, and keeping balance of my own in my new home, I will be offering limited hours in my afternoons until I find the right equilibrium and rhythm for my business, myself, and my family. This means my availability may be earlier or later than the rest of your day. I apologize for that- bending time zones to my will is a superpower I haven’t yet unlocked (haha)!
Read MoreWhere the 6 rushes in to help, the 7 hesitates to best analyze the situation from every angle to understand why help was needed so they can strategize a behind-the-scenes approach to fix the systemic problem.
The 6 loves to nurture through hosting others, whereas the 7 prefers the smallest gatherings possible with a nearby exit through which they can quickly exit and disappear.
Where the 5 demands personal liberty, the 6 demands the needs of others get prioritized above your own desires.
The 5 says, "I need to go exploring," but the 6 says, "If you leave, who will take care of the family you leave behind?"
The 5 wants to advertise and promote itself, while the 6 focuses on galvanizing all that attention toward helping the less fortunate.
The 5 says, "You only live once- eat all the cake!" The 6 says, "Eating all the cake will leave others hungry. Take only what you need and donate the rest to the needy."
That's when it hit me. I was going to be one of the only people on campus until classes resumed the following Monday. There would be no meal service. I had no car. I had no money. I had no medicine. Worst of all, I had no food. Suddenly I found myself alone, sick and stranded, and I needed to ride out the flu by myself for the next four days.
Read MoreThe 11/2 (or 2) and 5 vibes have a relational quality to them. Both numbers tend to give an uptick to those who seek to "get together," if you catch my drift. However, the hidden motives and momentum behind these two numbers are vastly different. 2 energy lends itself to emotional intimacy, snuggling, late-night talks, and gazing softly into each other's eyes. The 5 can also be highly intimate, but it's a lot more of a rough-and-tumble/I-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-your-body kind of intimacy. Put another way, 2 energy leans more toward emotional togetherness, while the 5 is pure physicality. (Remember 5 rules the Five Senses.) In its most reductive form, think Love vs. Lust.
Read MoreYes, folks, it's finally arrived. It's been 11 months since our last 1 Universal Month. June 2020 erupted angrily onto the scene and has been bubbling like a boiling cauldron ever since. April 2021 was our 9 Universal Month, signaling an opportunity to resolve difficulties from the past 11 months. (We had two 6 and 7 Universal Months from November through February due to the changing of the Universal Year and calendar year). Those that did the work of humanitarian-minded resolution, putting the good of others ahead of their own comfort, and wrapping up loose ends are staring at a blank slate and a fresh horizon in May. Those that did not will languish on with the same old lessons, the same old baggage, dragging the unresolved past into the future, dulling its sparkling keen shine with a dreary all-encompassing fogbank.
Read More“Look back to June 2020. That was our last 1 Universal Month. Assess world events through that lens. Think about the themes that were born during that time. It was a powerful, angry month, and justifiably so- there was a lot to be mad about. But in April, we are called to shift this energy into a more compassionate state. This doesn't mean we stop caring or championing the causes that stepped firmly into the limelight. Instead, it means we assess how we handled ourselves. It means we take honest inventory about where there were rewards and also failures. We take stock, wisely glean the lessons accordingly, rethinking and revamping our approaches, releasing what sits heavily within us, preparing to level up and launch the next phase in May.”
Read MoreA lot of things have changed- the biggest one being we've got this burgeoning 5 hanging over us, poking and prodding at us, reminding us that we're all damn sick of waiting- and nothing chafes a 5 more than being held back. Like a pea in a tin can, we're rattling around and bouncing off the walls. The lid has been cracked. We can see the light. But the 7 isn't letting us out, not just yet. Meanwhile, we watch the seconds ticking away on the clock, and like the Tell-Tale heart, the sound of its beating is only growing louder and louder.
Read MoreIf you've read any of my earlier posts about the 4 Universal Year, you'll remember I've stated that the stern lessons of the 4 can linger on into the 5 if its homework hasn't been adequately finished. Well, with the 6 Universal Month kicking things off, it's no wonder it's gonna side with its buddy and help make sure our assignments are returned and completed in full. (The 4 and 6 often get along splendidly due to their shared love of stability and conventionality.)
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