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Posts in The Intuition Diaries
The Intuition Diaries, Episode 2: “It's Time To Go.”

That's when it hit me. I was going to be one of the only people on campus until classes resumed the following Monday. There would be no meal service. I had no car. I had no money. I had no medicine. Worst of all, I had no food. Suddenly I found myself alone, sick and stranded, and I needed to ride out the flu by myself for the next four days.

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The Intuition Diaries, Episode 1: “Please, Let's Not Drive Today”

Something was wrong. Very, very, VERY wrong. The feeling became almost overpowering. I still had no clue what this was. All I knew is I was emphatically against leaving B's campus. Every bone in my body wanted to stay exactly where we were until the next day.

After a couple more hours, I reduced myself to begging. By this point, I was frantic. I couldn't offer any solid reasons for my reactions. All I could do was plead shakingly: "Please. Can we not go? Not today? Can't we wait an extra day? Please. Let's not drive today. PLEASE."

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