InTheKnow Tarot + Numerology - Delivering practical advice via mystical means


The 11/2 Universal Month in the 5 Universal Year: Adventure vs. Quietude, and Love vs. Lust


It's June 2021, folks! Whaaaa?? Can you imagine?? I hardly can! And the arrival of June heralds the onset of a brand new Universal Month. 

As I say every month: if you're new to this Universal Month blog series, please check out this post first to better define the 5 Universal Year. What I'll be discussing are numerology influences on a larger scale. We see these influences in our headlines and the changing attitudes of the masses. They are different from our own individual Personal Years, which we feel on a far more personal level. The Universal Year indicates the lessons all of humanity across the globe may encounter and learn as a whole.

In May, we collectively moved through the dynamic combination of the 1 Universal Month in the 5 Universal Year. 1s and 5s can often get along, provided their end goals and values are in alignment. At their best, a 1/5 combo brings about a refreshing feeling of rejuvenation, reinvention, starting fresh through sweeping innovation, and the desire to do something bold and highly active. We saw this play itself out in parts of the world where vaccine rollouts have been successful, resulting in announcements regarding the resuming of travel, lifting of restrictions, the return of outdoor festivals, and many happy reunions between loved ones. The shadow side of the 1/5 is chaos for chaos's sake, stubbornness, and refusal to listen, work with others, or compromise. We watched in horror as this traumatic dynamic played itself out in countries such as India and Brazil. My heart aches deeply for their suffering.  

Whether or not there was outright change or progress in your part of the world, whatever themes were introduced or set in stone in May 2021 will stay with us through March 2022. So pay attention, for seeds have been planted. 

With the onset of June comes the 11/2 Universal Month. What are some of its characteristics? (I will also include the qualities of its reduced cousin, the 2.)

- Moments of enlightenment, those "aha" moments

- Longing for peace, harmony, and quietude

- A desire for inspiration and elevated thinking

- Heightened intuition

- A tendency toward inner tension or excitability

So. How might the components of the 11/2 interact with its overarching hypercharged bunk buddy, the 5? 

- Both the 11/2 and the 5 have a penchant for enthusiasm and high energy. However, where the 5 could go all day and night long, the 11/2 needs downtime and proper rest to maintain its elevated output levels. In other words, there may be a feeling/desire to go-go-go, but the energy of that 11/2 (and its reduced 2) means forward momentum may feel thwarted somehow. Even though their end goals may be aligned, the journey toward those goals will likely be beset with setbacks and contradictory efforts. Sprinkle in the astrological "fun" of Mercury Retrograde, and this numerologist is going to personally urge everyone to save their more ambitious projects and plans toward the end of June and closer to the onset of July and its 3 Universal Month vibration. 

- June is traditionally a major vacation month in the Northern Hemisphere, so I'm going to focus on these folks for a moment (unless people also love to travel in June near you, dear Southerners!). Those who can travel and resume taking vacations are going to be out in legions. For example, my husband and I just returned from a two-week vacation in Iceland. From our arrival to our departure, incoming tourist traffic was already sky-rocketing, and this trend is playing itself out in many countries across the globe. With that in mind, if you are seeking a quiet, restful, meditative vacation as the 2 vibration often evokes, you're going to want to do your research first. There will be droves upon droves of eager travelers and vacationers about, keen to expend a massive amount of pent-up energy. If you are feeling their vibe, great! You'll blend right in! If you aren't, you're going to want to be highly selective about where you choose to go. Because the wild people will be EVERYWHERE. 

- The 11/2 (or 2) and 5 vibes have a relational quality to them. Both numbers tend to give an uptick to those who seek to "get together," if you catch my drift. However, the hidden motives and momentum behind these two numbers are vastly different. 2 energy lends itself to emotional intimacy, snuggling, late-night talks, and gazing softly into each other's eyes. The 5 can also be highly intimate, but it's a lot more of a rough-and-tumble/I-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-your-body kind of intimacy. Put another way, 2 energy leans more toward emotional togetherness, while the 5 is pure physicality. (Remember 5 rules the Five Senses.) In its most reductive form, think Love vs. Lust. Yes, yes, 5s are more than capable of love, and 2s can feel sheer lust- that being said, I'd like to give a special heads up to all the singles out there (as well as the happily attached that may need to keep their antennae sharpened). With Mercury Retrograde afoot and communication super wonky, it may be harder to read the signals around you. Take a "sit back and let it be revealed" approach with any new(ish) people that may gravitate to you. There may be hidden motives to decipher. Someone may say they want to be your friend but have deeper intimacy goals at heart. Conversely, someone may use allllllll the charming love language, but only have physical conquest on their mind. Either way, June is a month that is likely to stir both the loins as well as the heart. If you are one to safeguard your heart, now is a good time to do so. Conversely, it's an excellent time to examine your own motives and desires. Are you bringing your best ethical self to the table in the world of intimacy? Ask the hard questions if need be, and know things will become more apparent over time. 

- Watch out for overstimulation and overdoing it. 5 energy lends itself to going above and beyond, while 11/2 is prone to burnout and anxiety. Balance is everything. Keep all things in moderation. July is bound to be a more energetic combo for the collective, so think about your plans over the next few months and make your arrangements in an achievable, reasonable manner. 

In summation, June asks us to examine and be honest about our needs and be honest about what we sense about the needs of others. Things like rest, adventure, and human interaction: what are we seeking, and what is being sought from us? Loud adventuring, or divine quietude? Soul to soul sacred connection, or literal body surfing? Is there a way to have both sides of the coin, should we wish? In June, all these answers will be provided through the exertion of careful and considered moderation. July will have a more laissez-faire flair to it. Until then, proceed gently and with balance as your end goal. 

Quotes for the 5/2 combo: 

"If they substituted the word 'Lust' for 'Love' in the popular songs it would come nearer the truth."
― Sylvia Plath

"Desire is the kind of thing that
eats you
leaves you starving."
― Nayyirah Waheed

"Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time."
― Lyndon B. Johnson

"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper." 
― W.B. Yeats

"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom."
― Søren Kierkegaard

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