InTheKnow Tarot + Numerology - Delivering practical advice via mystical means


The 1 Universal Month in the 5 Universal Year: "I Wanna Let It All Hang Out!"


Well, folks, May 2021 is right outside our door. Remember how just six months ago, we were lamenting about 2020's neverending march of anxiety, hardship, and sorrow. And yet, now look at us- we are already five months into the new year and determined to permanently leave 2020 in our rearview mirror. What???

As I say every month: if you're new to this Universal Month blog series, please check out this post first to better define the 5 Universal Year. What I'll be discussing are numerology influences on a larger scale. We see these influences in our headlines and the changing attitudes of the masses. They are different from our own individual Personal Years, which we feel on a far more personal level. The Universal Year indicates the lessons all of humanity across the globe may be encountering and learning as a whole. 

Yes, folks, it's finally arrived. It's been 11 months since our last 1 Universal Month. June 2020 erupted angrily onto the scene and has been bubbling like a boiling cauldron ever since. April 2021 was our 9 Universal Month, signaling an opportunity to resolve difficulties from the past 11 months. (We had two 6 and 7 Universal Months from November through February due to the changing of the Universal Year and calendar year). Those that did the work of humanitarian-minded resolution, putting the good of others ahead of their own comfort, and wrapping up loose ends are staring at a blank slate and a fresh horizon in May. Those that did not will languish on with the same old lessons, the same old baggage, dragging the unresolved past into the future, dulling its sparkling keen shine with a dreary all-encompassing fogbank. 

This right here, my friends, is why it's so important to take advantage of a 9 vibration when it arises. The 1 wants us to build a wiser future free from old constraints, which best happens when we collectively move beyond our ego selves and embrace love and respect for our shared humanity. That's the power-fueled role of the 9 vibration- it appeals directly to the angels of our better nature, which in turn, can set ALL of us free for a better and brighter tomorrow. 

*climbs down off soapbox* 

Aaaaaaaanyway. It's a 1 Universal Month now. A new day dawns! So what does a 1 vibe bring? 

- Strong desires for new beginnings and fresh initiatives

- Determination and grit

- Goal-setting

- Individuality and originality

- Bold expression

- Being assertive

- Speaking one's mind

- Irritability, anger, and outbursts of rage

So how do the 1 and 5 get along? 

Actually, they can get along pretty great, provided certain terms are met: 

- Both yearn for freedom of movement and thought

- Both prize independence and original thinking

- Each number is dynamic and bold in its own right

- Neither number is afraid to take risks and brave action

So, where do they cause potential friction? 

- Both numbers are prone to taking things too far- the 1 out of stubbornness and the 5 out of extremism.

- Arguments, chaos, and fights can follow both of these numbers- the 1 due to inflexibility and the 5 due to rebellion. 

- The 1 prizes self-discipline, whereas the 5 is sheer impulse. 

- The 1 possesses a quickness of temper, and the 5 doesn't always counter or hamper that impulse because it prizes personal freedom. 

- Both numbers are pretty blunt and can inadvertently ruffle feathers. 

So what does this mean, and what do we need to know? 

- At the beginning of the year, I stated that we would probably have a much clearer idea of where 2021 stands in May (because of the 1 Universal Month), and I still stand with that hypothesis. For example, those countries that are in the lead for vaccinations have an optimistic immediate future ahead. Unfortunately, countries that do not begin vaccine rollouts before May's end will probably be limping along for some time to come. Please keep those people in your thoughts and loving energy, for they will need it. 

- In my 5 Universal Year post, I discussed the feeling of an all-encompassing release that follows the strictness and pent-up energy of a 4 Year. Usually, that feeling is more subjective and personalized. But now we have an entire globe filled with nearly 8 billion people looking to break free from 2020's pandemic hardships. So, how do I think this might manifest on a mass scale? Unfortunately, I have long suspected public violence might come roaring back with a fury in 2021. Domestic violence skyrocketed under the "stay in your homes" 4 vibration, and with the 5's urging to get outdoors, I have been worrying that this month may bump public violence (for example, mass shootings) into high gear. Sadly, it's already happening here in the States. I hope this trend does not spread or escalate. 


- With the 1's love of self-expression and the 5's emphasis on the sensual, I wouldn't be surprised if sexual exhibitionism goes full tilt. I'm talking excessive PDA, skimpy clothes, and people baring it all in hopes of luring in sexual attention. There's gonna be a sexual feeding frenzy happening out there, so brace yourselves. Oh, and the 2020 baby boom that proved to be a baby bust? A baby boom is waaaaaay more likely under a 5/1 combo! Just sayin'. 

Whatever is begun in May 2021 will stay with us through March 2022, so this is an impactful and significant time for our planet. Start to ask yourself, what do I want to contribute to our (hopefully) clean slate? We all have a role to play. Follow the 1's decisiveness and the 5's "up and at 'em," and go forward with courage and without delay! 


Quotes for the 5/1 combo: 

"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?"
― L.M. Montgomery

"The beginning is always today."
― Mary Shelley

"I've done nudity. I'm an exhibitionist. It doesn't matter.
― John Turturro

"What is the good of being an island, if you are not a volcanic island?"
― Wyndham Lewis

"Love at first sight is a myth, but thundering sexual attraction at first sight is hard science."
― Daryl Gregory

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