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Posts tagged 1 numerology meaning
The 1 Universal Month in the 5 Universal Year: "I Wanna Let It All Hang Out!"

Yes, folks, it's finally arrived. It's been 11 months since our last 1 Universal Month. June 2020 erupted angrily onto the scene and has been bubbling like a boiling cauldron ever since. April 2021 was our 9 Universal Month, signaling an opportunity to resolve difficulties from the past 11 months. (We had two 6 and 7 Universal Months from November through February due to the changing of the Universal Year and calendar year). Those that did the work of humanitarian-minded resolution, putting the good of others ahead of their own comfort, and wrapping up loose ends are staring at a blank slate and a fresh horizon in May. Those that did not will languish on with the same old lessons, the same old baggage, dragging the unresolved past into the future, dulling its sparkling keen shine with a dreary all-encompassing fogbank.

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The 1 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: Productivity or Stubbornness?

“While the 1 often heralds a season of new beginnings and proclaims “we need to start fresh,” the restrictive 4 is still VERY much at play. Everything in this 4 year points us toward assessing the structural integrity of the systems that hold our societies together.  A clearer vision of the “new normal” could emerge, and new rules going forward could be implemented. We don’t hit the halfway point of this 4 Universal Year until June 30th. We are still very much in the waxing period of this influence, so we are nowhere near done dealing with the restrictions the 4 will be doling out.  Any new regulations or rules that get enacted at this time are more likely to have elements of constraint.”

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