The 1 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: Productivity or Stubbornness?
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Here we are again folks, on the cusp of a brand new month, which means another new Universal Month is at hand. 2020 has proven to be shockingly eventful, and June will likely be no exception.
First, here’s my usual disclaimer: If you’re new to this blog series, please check out this post first to get better definition about the 4 Universal Year. What I’ll be discussing is numerology influences on a global scale. These influences are most commonly seen in our headlines, and they are different than our own individual Personal Years which we feel far more personally. Think of this blog series as a way to assess the changing attitudes of the masses as we continue forward through these unprecedented times.
Last month, I chatted with you about the 9 Universal Month and how it might interact with our current 4 Universal Year. The 9 often brings endings and heightens emotional conversations about societal welfare, while the 4 beckons us to focus on to-do lists and tend to life’s busywork. Even when these two numbers share a similar goal, they aren’t very compatible- they have a sort of Odd Couple/Felix and Oscar vibe. They fundamentally view the world very differently, they don’t really understand one another, and they often drive each other crazy. Here in the States, the 9/4 combo has manifested in a heated country-wide debate over the best way to help the American public: focusing on economic recovery and getting back to work, versus adhering to continued restrictions to protect public health. The ultimate aim is basically the same on both sides of the debate: to get life back to normal as quickly as possible. Yet the opinions about how to achieve this goal couldn’t be any more different.
Well, May is on it’s way out the door, and there’s a new sheriff in town. Here comes June, and along with it comes the fiery, determined 1 Universal Month. The 1 influence brings:
1. The desire for fresh starts and new beginnings. Futuristic thinking.
2. Lessons about individuality, independence, assertiveness, and dominance.
3. Opportunities for advancement through ingenuity, originality, innovation, courage, and bravery.
4. Anger. Hotheadedness. Major frustration in the face of delays. If unchecked, rash and impetuous behavior.
5. Lessons about the importance of integrity and honesty.
Can the 1/4 combo play nice together? Absolutely, as long as mutual objectives and ethics are the common goal. Both the determined 1 and the disciplined 4 prize momentum and productivity, and when positively aspected, these two numbers combined can signal a renaissance of achievement and forward energy. Both are “can do” numbers, ready to roll up their sleeves and get stuff done, and both numbers feel best when churning out the most efficient results possible.
Here’s the rub: both the 1 and 4 are extremely stubborn numbers. They are among the most immovable, obstinate numbers in the numerology pantheon. Compromise is a weak point for both these numbers. Moreover, their approaches to problem-solving can be vastly different. The 1 wants new and inventive ways to upgrade or completely redefine best practices, while the 4 prefers sticking with what’s already been tried and true, aka “that’s the way it’s always been done.” The 4 represents order, and the 1 with its naturally rebellious nature often plays a role in upending the existing order. If the 1 doesn’t approve of the traditional order of the 4, it can literally become a Rage Against the Machine kind of situation. Conversely, the 1 can signify pugnacious willfulness to get one’s own way, while the 4 may argue that the 1 only cares about themselves and doesn’t ultimately care about stability as a whole. Either way you look at it, its potential difficulties are evident.
In other words, the 1 thinks outside the box. The 4 IS the box. Therein lies the problem. If both these influences dig in their heels and start beefin’ over turf, then we all have a fight on our hands.
So. What could that mean for us?
As usual, numerology and astrology provide insight into what themes will rise to the surface. As to how they actually play themselves out, that’s a guessing game. Still, I’ll offer up a few musings:
- This dynamic is terrific for inventive people who can devise solutions, create inventions, or propose legislation that contributes toward the stability of the people and/or their well-being. For example, this could be a potentially fruitful time for advancement toward a COVID-19 vaccine. It may also favor the work of people who work for social justice reform, provided they know both how to lead ethically, effectively, and diplomatically.
- For places that feel good about their existing societal and governmental structures, the 1 may signal the feeling of a rising new dawn, with hope restored and a collective desire to bravely forge a new future ahead, despite hindrances. The 1 says “Oh yes I can, and yes I will.” The notion of “Impossible is just I’m possible” could have been written for the 1. When rightfully directed, it moves mountains. However, for others who feel the fabric of their society and ruling governments have too many proverbial weak points in the fence, the 1 may signal a strong sense of uprising and a desire to topple power. Here in the States (and now spreading to other countries around the world), the shadow-period of the upcoming 1 Universal Month has brought a sense of collective anger over the officer-involved murder of George Floyd. His horrifying death, and the subsequent displays of fury that have followed, signify just how inflaming this dynamic can be. Can it get worse? Oh yes, it can. Let’s all pray that it doesn’t.
- The 4 can represent the ruling order and the laws therein. The 1 can be the outside contender, offering up a brand new vision, demonstrating gutsiness and derring-do, collecting followers to its cause. Where there is a vacuum of power, the 1 can rise up and fill that role. We may see new emerging leaders come into the spotlight. But what are their motivations? Do they see a need, and courageously rise up to the task? Or do they see an opportunity to jockey for power for their own selfish interests? Are they truly invested in initiating impactful change for the common good, or are they just out to make themselves look good, or have a pissing match over who’s in charge? These are potential dynamics we need to watch with great detail and scrutiny.
- While the 1 often heralds a season of new beginnings and proclaims “we need to start fresh,” the restrictive 4 is still VERY much at play. Everything in this 4 year points us toward assessing the structural integrity of the systems that hold our societies together. A clearer vision of the “new normal” could emerge, and new rules going forward could be implemented. We don’t hit the halfway point of this 4 Universal Year until June 30th. We are still very much in the waxing period of this influence, so we are nowhere near done dealing with the restrictions the 4 will be doling out. Any new regulations or rules that get enacted at this time are more likely to have elements of constraint.
All this, of course, leaves one asking, “So what the heck can we do?”
- If you’ve got a bright idea that could help fill a need, enhance stability and security in your corner of the world, this is a great time to put it into high gear. Just make sure you’ve thought it through, then enact your plans judiciously.
- If any new leaders pop up, assess them thoughtfully and with great discernment. False prophets can rise under this kind of vibration. The 1 prizes those that are truthful, ethical, and honor-bound. Above all else, that’s what any new leaders should possess and demonstrate, especially now.
- If you yourself are a leader in your community, and your community is in turmoil, this is a chance for you to step up, use your voice for good, and demonstrate calm, strong, competent leadership. Just make certain you do so with the utmost regard for forthright honesty and be your best self, full of integrity.
- Some systems absolutely should be torn down and started again. Others exist for a damn good reason. Do you know the difference? Be absolutely certain that you do. Above all else, the question should always be: “What will ultimately lead to the most security and stability for everyone?”
- People may be pretty angry, stubborn, and reactive right now. Fighting fire with fire can turn everything into ashes. You don’t have to compromise your ideals or beliefs in order to communicate diplomatically and effectively. Stay strong, yet keep your feet firmly grounded.
- It may become much clearer what new rules are needed to preserve order going forward. As antsy and impatient as others may be, try to be one of the cooler heads that prevails. Now, that doesn’t mean sitting on your duff and not taking action where you see it’s needed. It means your mind needs to be crystal clear. After all, the 1 is a mental number. Bypass reactivity, make sure your logical mind isn’t ablaze, and stand in your own integrity. Then make your decisions accordingly.
To sum up, this combo can either bring us productive new beginnings that strengthen our communal foundations, or it can tear shit down to the ground. What do you choose? How will you proceed? What will your contribution be? Your actions matter more than you may think- give this your careful consideration.
Notable quotes for the 1/4 combo:
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
― Audre Lorde
“True rebels hate their own rebellion. They know by experience that it is not a cool and glamorous lifestyle; it takes a courageous fool to say things that have not been said and to do things that have not been done.”
― Criss Jami, Venus in Arms
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
― Rob Siltanen
“Progress isn't achieved by preachers or guardians of morality, but by madmen, hermits, heretics, dreamers, rebels, and skeptics”
― Stephen Fry
“Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
This blog, and all blogs on this website © Bethany Abrahamson 2020 – InTheKnow Tarot+Numerology LLC. All rights reserved.