InTheKnow Tarot + Numerology - Delivering practical advice via mystical means


The Universal 4 Year - How Solid are our Foundations?


Ohhhhh my. I knew I should have written this sooner. I had this blog laid out in my mind last December. Unfortunately due to personal matters that needed my attention these past few months, it never got done.

Better late than never? Perhaps. Perhaps not. But whatever. It’s time I get this finished. I don’t care if I look like a Johnny-Come-Lately. We’re doing this!


Not that long ago, 2019 wrapped itself up, signaling the end of the child-like, carefree, extravagant 3 Universal Year and the heralding of a very differently themed year for 2020: the serious, unornamented, matter-of-fact number 4.

To review from previous blog posts (such as this one), the Universal Year is the vibe that the entire planet is operating under throughout all of 2020. It is different than the Personal Year that we experience more acutely on a personal level. Universal Years point to themes, lessons, challenges, and opportunities that we see unfolding on a national and international scale. They dominate our news headlines and social media posts. It’s a good number to know so you can recognize what you’re seeing, and perhaps develop a more informed viewpoint as a result.

So let’s briefly touch on where we just came from- the year 2019.

3 Universal Years emphasize that feeling of joie de vivre, devil-may-care, YOLO (I hate myself for using that acronym btw), lending itself to a rip-roaring good time. Children and youth (and their associated attitudes) are favored, even in some adults. Behaviors such as indulging in luxurious non-essential spending, striving to live like (or look like) one of the “beautiful people,” and overindulging in feel-good activities are au courant. Creation for creativity’s sake rules the day. It can be a beautiful, carefree time- albeit a bit bloated at times. Metaphorically speaking, at the end of a 3 Universal Year, it can feel like the world has collectively gained an extra 20 pounds per person after all that happy feasting on multiple exorbitant activities.

Then, like a stodgy, conventional party-pooper, along comes the 4 Universal Year. Suddenly there’s a need to cinch up those waistlines and drop those extra pounds, and then some. There’s no more room for fooling around. Party time is over. Dependability and stabilization is the new world order. The whip is getting cracked, and there’s lots of work to do!

Think of the difference between a 3-legged table and a 4-legged table. The 3-legged table may look funky, artistic, and creative, but it can be tippy as hell. The 4-legged table is the sturdier design. It may not be as interesting to look at, but when it comes to displaying your great-grandmother’s antiques, you know which one will keep her precious heirlooms way more secure.

The 4 Universal Year shines an illuminating light on what systems and configurations in our world are grounded and solid, and which ones will blow over in a stiff wind. Why is this? Because the number 4 represents structure and the nature of stability. Indeed, it represents the very structure of our home with the analogy of four walls. It’s a number of the physical world and is ruled by things like work and finances. It favors long-standing tried-and-true institutions, conventionality, science, math, and facts. It’s practical. It’s logical. It says “2+2 adds up to 4. Period. There’s no wiggle room on this. No ‘new math’ allowed here.”

Because the 4 Universal Year resides firmly on the physical plane (or “terra firma,” if you like), this is no time for waxing poetic or daydreaming. There will be other times for that. The 4 drives us to reconcile with real-world problems that need real-world solutions- the kind that only rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty can resolve (and no, I’m not saying dirty hands are in favor. Ack! For the love…  people, wash yer mitts!! And frequently!!).

As I previously stated, this no-nonsense, uber-literal 4 vibration rules the realm of facts. It doesn’t balk at the rallying cry of “fake news.” Again, the 4 says: the facts are facts. It favors proven, rational data. It’s no mistake that the 4 vibe often represents the engineers, the certified public accountants, the statisticians, and mathematicians of the world. The 4 doesn’t blink, and it calmly and unflinchingly stares into the face of the denier and says “these stats are resolutely rooted in reality.” It is not rattled by attempts to unseat what has been proven time and time again. If anything, the 4 sits back, completely firm in its stance while quietly judging the seeming lack of intelligence of it’s overly-emotional debate opponent. Under the 4 vibration, there emerges a staunch and determined demand for real data and information, and becoming too effusive about one’s position can quickly turn into an immediate disqualifier. The 4 is immovable. Fixed. Stubborn. To those who would try to push this energy down or cast it aside, I say to you: “Good luck.” It’s a brick house.

A good earthy green color for the earthy number 4

A good earthy green color for the earthy number 4

In other words, it’s time to get serious. Look at the facts, and adhere strictly to them. Frankly speaking, it’s a pretty stern SOB sometimes. The taskmaster 4 cultivates a period of all work, no play. You’ve placed a Band-Aid over something you’d prefer not to deal with because you’re having so much fun? Well, here comes the 4, ripping off that Band-Aid, shoving that wound in your face and saying “Hey. Look at it. LOOK. Now. What are you going to do about it? Buckle down and get your shit together. Sharpish.”

As a result of this vibe, we can feel constricted under a 4 influence. It’s not always horrible. But it isn’t always… fun. Because of the emphasis on the “four walls” of our life, folks can end up feeling pretty constrained. It’s a time where people may seem to be encountering limitations and restrictions at every turn. My numerology mentor Ken Nelson used to refer to the 4 influence as “feeling our fences.” If folks are seeking to bust through some boundaries outside their own doorstep, you’ve got quite the mountain to climb- for the 4 is meant to drive our attention back to what’s happening under our roof, pay attention to every excruciating detail, and get hyper-organized.

It’s only March 18th 2020, and look at what has already happened. We’ve learned that our once-robust economy can be knocked over like a feather by something we can’t even detect with the naked eye. We’re seeing how doing the conventional, traditionally proven methods of containment (like good old-fashioned hand-washing) remain an important pillar in maintaining our physical health and our community’s structural integrity. Incomes are being reduced. For many, suddenly the idea of treating one’s self to a fun but unnecessary purchase is being cast by the wayside for fear that the bills won’t get paid. Millions of small business owners are holding their breath and praying their business is steady enough to weather the storm. The voices of those that denied the devastating nature of the coronavirus are slowly (albeit painfully slowly) slipping away. We are literally being urged (some by actual force) to stay within the four walls of our own homes. Suddenly we are extremely aware that we need some MAJOR structure to keep us protected, and we’ve got cracks in the walls, cracks in the foundations, cracks in the roofs… and there’s a mighty gusty (and virus-laden) wind blowing through those cracks.

This is what the 4 can do. And we are only getting started, folks.

In 20th century history, we have a significant chapter that played itself out similarly, with the same Universal Year sequence, with some of what we are seeing now. Any guesses what that could be?

If you guessed the 1929 stock market crash and the subsequent Great Depression, you’re right.
1+9+2+9 = 21. 2+1 = 3.
1+9+3+0 = 13. 1+3 = 4.

(Interestingly enough, this parallel isn’t just numerological. It’s also astrological. Seriously. Google it and check it out. Many astrologers are blogging about it right now.)

So, what can we do about it?

Despite all these limitations and restrictions, actually, we can do a lot.

We can show our loyalty and allegiance to the things and people we value by employing demonstrative, quantitative action. Assess where there are gaps in the structural integrity of your home life and family’s life, and start thinking proactively about what you can do about it. If you can’t act right away, then research it. It will help you feel a little more empowered. Find some trustworthy sources of information and start packing away all those juicy facts in your brain. Boost the signal on the left side of your brain and find ways to use all that harvestable data to your advantage. The 4 calls on us to calmly and rationally ask “what can I do?” Then it expects us to get down to business. And speaking of business, please do what you can to support those local, small businesses you love.

It’s time to tackle and address all the unpleasant shit we’ve been ignoring or putting off because we “don’t wanna,” or “it’s too hard,” or “it’s not the time.” No more horsing around. Under the 4 influence, we must batten down the hatches and get to work. Hold ourselves accountable. Hold our leaders accountable. Follow practical, sensible strategies and advice. Sooner than we think, the unpredictable 5 year will soon be on the horizon, and depending upon our collective actions, it can go one of two ways:

1. We tighten up our resources and shore up our own leaky foundations on multiple levels of existence, and ensure everything is in functional, efficient, good working order. Then when the 5 Universal Year comes along, we will be better prepared. We will have a solid structure from which we can begin to embrace major change that brings new opportunities, paradigms, explorations, and adventures.

2. We ignore all these cosmic shoves and numerological 2x4s upside our heads, dig in our heels, and fight each other about the definition of facts (here’s a hint- take the 4’s advice and go with more of the long-standing, cool headed, emotionally detached, facts driven, good old tried and true reputable institutions and sources), and then get our asses handed to us when the noisy and often chaotic 5 Universal Year inevitably steamrolls us even further into the dirt.

In other words, we have a choice. The upcoming 5 is a wildcard. It can be a phenomenal ride. It can also be dizzying and super unpredictable. We can’t fully predict the twists and turns the 5 year brings, however we CAN prepare better for it if we strengthen our reserves, fortify our home bases, and know we’ve created adequate scaffolding to better preserve our hard work and those we love.

In the spirit of Rosie the Riveter: “We Can Do It!”

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This blog, and all blogs on this website © Bethany Abrahamson 2020 – InTheKnow Tarot+Numerology LLC. All rights reserved.