InTheKnow Tarot + Numerology - Delivering practical advice via mystical means


Posts in Musings
Intuition: Is It Real, and How Do I Know When It's Working?

“Our gut is both non-rational and non-reactive, therefore bypassing both the head and the heart. I know my intuition is working when it feels like a peaceful gong has been struck in my gut. It thoroughly reverberates from my lower abdomen throughout my entire body, calming any mental or emotional static. When that gong goes off, I know beyond a doubt what is clear and correct. Despite any tussle I may feel in my heart or head, that ringing of that proverbial gong calms and overrides the other two. Ideally, we want to feel that gong-in-the-gut ringing within us like the most soothing singing bowl in the whole world. It settles the debate between the head and the heart in a way that feels both detached yet fully connected, and the way forward emerges. It is this green light that ultimately matters most.“

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