The 4 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: The Lessons of 2020, Amplified
Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
Artist: Barry Barnes
I don't know about you, but for me, 2020 has had such an elongated quality about it. I look back to my life in January, and it feels like years ago. And yet, for as crappy a year this has been for so many people, I can hardly believe we're already on the brink of September. How can this possible? I suppose it's a mercy to know time can also fly when people aren't having fun.
If you're new to this blog series, please check out this post to better define the 4 Universal Year. What I'll be discussing are numerology influences on a larger scale. These influences are most commonly seen in our headlines and in the changing attitudes of the masses. They are different from our own individual Personal Years, which we feel on a far more personal level.
As we reflect on the overly-talkative 3 Universal Month, we predictably saw heated exchanges over practical matters, such as the Return-to-School debate. I noticed reports about a rise in Russian bots and trolls online (whose goal is to destabilize and spread false information, which becomes a 4 issue) in my own social media feeds (3). All over, there were reports about massive parties, bashes, and other get-togethers (3) that did not adhere to social-distancing recommendations (4). Businesses that tried to enforce CDC recommendations (4) encountered resistant customers that wanted to be allowed to go mask-less. And, most notably to my eyes, in my home state of Wisconsin, the conversation surrounding another office-involved shooting has repeatedly gone sideways as people angrily dispute (3) and fight over the nature of facts (4) about what actually transpired.
Well, August is a now thing of the past. A new month awaits.
Every September, be it Personal Year or Universal Year, we enter a vibrational time of double intensity- meaning, whatever year we are in is also the same number of the month. The calculation to determine the month is this:
Personal/Universal Year + reduced number of the calendar month = Personal/Universal Month.
Last month, August being the 8th month of the year, we calculated 4 (Universal Year) + 8 (August), and we got the number 12. We take that total and break it down further like so: 1 + 2 = 3. This is why August was a 3 Universal Month.
With September being the 9th month of the year, the formula shifts like so:
4 + 9 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
9 is the number of spiritual integration, synthesis, and mature wisdom. In typical 9 fashion, whatsoever you add to it, the 9 will integrate and fold itself right into the vibration of the other number, almost as if to help its numerical neighbor get the attention it needs to work on its lessons (which is a very 9 thing to do!).
Ergo, every September, we all enter this double intensity vibe in our Universal Years as well as our Personal Years.
So what the heck does that mean?
As you may already suspect, it usually means we get a double-punch of our predominant prevailing numerical transit. In other words, in September, our reigning 4 Universal Year just might feel like it slammed five servings of espresso in quick succession.
Let's review some of the qualities of the 4 vibration:
Lessons regarding the application of discipline and working hard
The need to assess the structural integrity of our lives and society
Lessons about the value of remaining rational, sensible, and realistic
Tendencies toward becoming fixed or entrenched in one's opinions. Stubbornness and immobility.
Tearing down systems and structures to either rebuild them or to eradicate them entirely to preserve a larger interest or need
A time of restrictions and battening down the hatches. Feeling fenced in.
Now, imagine all these bullet points on steroids. That's what's on the docket for September. YIKES.
Amid all this 4 energy, it is worth noting that the United States of America has a calculable Birthpath number. Its birthday is July 4th, 1776. 7 + 4 + 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 32. Add 3 + 2, and you get the adventurous, extroverted 5 Birthpath Number. It is not uncommon for a 5 Birthpath to find the uber-serious 4 tedious, too restrictive, and frankly irritating. Why is this? Because above all, 5s long to live an unrestrained life and to move about as they desire, which is best summed up by one word (get ready to slap your forehead and exclaim "OMG, of COURSE!"):
The 4 values steady walls and well-marked borders, while the 5 screams, "Don't fence me in!" The 4 favors orderliness, tradition, and predictability, whereas the 5 is boisterous, unconventional, and impulsive. The 4 upholds law and order. The 5 is rebellion and nonconformity itself.
Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
Artist: rangizzz
Do you see where I'm going with this? While other countries are working hard to preserve their early efforts toward containment and stabilization of COVID-19 spread (just look to South Korea as they are now facing a second wave), the USA has taken a markedly different approach- one that emphasizes personal liberties at a more local and individual level.
Why am I mentioning this? Because the conflicts and civil unrest within the free-spirited and unfettered American spirit are already running so high. As a numerologist, I am worried about how these conflicts may escalate. Take everything we are dealing with in 2020, and ramp it up several notches. This is what a double-intensity vibration does.
So. Here we are, about to enter a ramped-up period where restrictions abound, and disagreements over how best to stabilize and protect our institutions are likely to be thrust even harder into the spotlight. Remember, refer back to the list of everything the 4 entails: the need for strict discipline, adhering to practical measures, a strong emphasis on identifying facts and examining the structural integrity of our societies, butting heads and stubborn behavior, feeling driven into living in a restrictive manner. Time will demonstrate how these conditions will play themselves out. But if I were to venture a guess at how things may unfold, here are a few of my theories and a bit of advice:
- With the continued emphasis on returning to life "as normal" (will it ever be that kind of normal again?), as people return to schools, to working in-person, and the onset of gradually cooling weather in the Northern Hemisphere predictably driving people increasingly indoors, it's possible the spread of COVID-19, combined with the onset of flu season, may create chaos and once again test our organizations and institutions (medical centers, governing bodies, schools/universities, large corporations, small businesses, etc.) I hope it does not come to that, but this is a very possible scenario from a numerology standpoint. The first wave of COVID-19 literally drove us indoors, and the 4 number represents the 4 walls that surround us. Our sense of normalcy and security has been on trial this year, and in September, this may be even more noticeable. In other words, we may begin to see a second wave and a return to lock-downs occurring in various places around the globe. If you live somewhere that might be prone to another lock-down, do yourself a favor and make sure your essentials are well-stocked (I’m looking at you, toilet paper!).
- Prepare for escalated civil unrest and violence, just in case. The 4 is a fixed, obstinate energy that likes to plant itself firmly and not be moved from its position, which can quickly escalate. It requires us to pay close attention to details and make contingency plans, and you'd be well advised to apply that wisdom in your own personal world. Again, hopefully, it doesn't come to that... but still... just take a look at all the heartbroken people in Kenosha Wisconsin right now. I believe that says enough, so I’ll leave it at that.
- You may be tempted to give in to the anger and acrimony hanging in the air. In the name of pursuing truth and freedom as we individually understand it, we are likely to be surrounded by inflexibility from all sides. Yes, there are some things that need to play themselves out; however, meeting anger with more anger under such a vibration is likely to backfire and cause everyone to dig their heels in even further. If someone lashes out at you, choose to emulate the positive qualities of the 4 and remain both grounded and unflappable. The root of most conflict-resolution usually involves applying tactfulness, not compromising your principles yet choosing not to approach others from a space of combativeness, and a willingness to understand the other person's background and life script. In other words, right now, the world needs less reactivity and for cooler heads to prevail. Can you help to provide it?
- Are things really going to be that bad? Well, not necessarily. Frankly speaking, I really don’t really like sounding this alarmist. Nevertheless, we are living through extraordinary times, and the numbers suggest our current mood and circumstances will noticeably become amplified. That being said, it’s possible everyone may simply feeling and acting pissier than usual. We shall see. If that’s how you find your mood to be in September, start thinking of productive and healthy ways to cope with that feeling.
One last point: the 9th, 18th, and 27th will all be 4 Universal Days, meaning those days will be triple-intensity days: a 4 Year, a 4 Month, and a 4 Day. Personally speaking, I plan to follow the 4’s lead and hunker down within my own four walls on those days, but that's just me. Something to consider.
In summation, think of 2020 as a whole. Now think of it as an extra-condensed 2020-style hypodermic injection packed into a single month. Just what no one wants, right? UGH. That being said, if we buckle down and responsibly attend to the lessons this 4 keeps doling out, we could come out far, far ahead on the other side. But it will only happen if we have the wisdom and far-thinking foresight to keep our eyes on the horizon- after all, that is a personal choice we have the freedom to make.
Good luck. Keep your chin up. And always remember, we really, really, REALLY are ALL in this thing together. Never forget that.
Notable quotes for the 4/4 combo:
“There's none so blind as those who will not listen.”
― Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth.”
― Joseph Joubert
“...[F]rom me you shall hear the whole truth; not, I can assure you, gentlemen, in flowery language... decked out with fine words and phrases; no, what you will hear will be a straightforward speech in the first words that occur to me, confident as I am in the justice of my cause; and I do not want any of you to expect anything different.”
― Socrates, Apology, Crito and Phaedo of Socrates.
“Tact: the ability to describe others as they see themselves.”
― Abraham Lincoln
This blog, and all blogs on this website © Bethany Abrahamson 2020 – InTheKnow Tarot+Numerology LLC. All rights reserved.