The 5 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: Order Meets Disorder
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So, how did you fare during September's double-intensity vibration? Everyone, everywhere on the planet, just went through an individualized personal double-intensity month. Meaning, every September, whatever the number of your Personal Year, that is the same number as your Personal Month. How was it for you? Double your pleasure, or double the stress? Or perhaps you were one of the lucky ones that sailed right on through this vibe with no real discernible difference?
As I say every month: if you're new to this blog series, please check out this post to better define the 4 Universal Year. What I'll be discussing are numerology influences on a larger scale. These influences are most commonly seen in our headlines and in the changing attitudes of the masses. They are different from our own individual Personal Years, which we feel on a far more personal level.
As I said earlier, we all just experienced a double-intensity month on a personal level. Universally speaking, September was a 4 double-intensity month, which means we were all having to contend with twice the 4 energy and its lessons. What did we see? Out-of-control wildfires have been threatening the structure and security of millions of people and animals. Schools reopened, and predictably, many of them reverted to virtual learning due to COVID-19 outbreaks. In my own area, hospitals are issuing pleas with the public to slow the spread because they are reaching the point of overwhelm. In the Northern Hemisphere, with the return of cooler weather, as predicted, coronavirus cases have been rising rapidly in many areas. And in the United States, the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has fundamentally shaken the structural make-up of the US Supreme Court.
It. Was. A. Month. Holy cats.
Now we bid the 4 Universal Month adieu, we turn our eyes to October's horizon line and the heralding of the 5 Universal Month. What's that 5 vibe all about, anyway? Here are a few of its qualities:
Lots and lots of change. Then more change on top of that.
Major twists of fortune. Things developing quickly.
Rebellion. Breaking up tradition and systems.
Focus on the needs of the physical body.
Experimentation. Spontaneity. Impulsivity.
Increased competitive behavior. Recklessness.
Issues revolving around the nature of freedom.
Partying. Taking things to excess.
The 5 can be refreshing, revitalizing, and invigorating! It can also be unpredictable, noisy, and chaotic. Like Forrest Gump’s momma used to say, “You never know what you’re gonna get!”
So, how do the 4 and 5 tend to interact when overlapped? Well, I touched on this a bit in last month's post when I described the USA’s 5 Birthpath Number:
The 4 represents the system. The 5 represents the breaking up of the system.
The 4 values orderliness. The 5 tends to create disorder.
The 4 prefers to go by the rules. The 5 is the rebel that breaks all the rules.
The 4 thrives under routine. The 5 overthrows routine and lives for the moment.
The 4 views the 5 as unpredictable and annoying. The 5 sees the 4 as stodgy and boring.
Back and forth, and around and around they go. Yet if these two can appreciate and respect what the other brings to the table, they can bring the best out in each other. The earthy, reliable 4 can hold the 5's kite strings and help them safely soar, while the extroverted, free-wheeling 5 can help the 4 get out of its rut.
How can this translate in real-time events? When the security of others and their structures are well in-hand, this can be a fun month full of adventure and excitement. For example: in October 2017, I was in a 4 Personal Year with a 5 Essence over it, while also in a 5 Personal Month, and let me tell you: I had the time of my life! Because I had diligently tended to all the details and business at hand in all areas of my life, made responsible choices, and saved up my earnings, I was able to make a long-awaited trip to Iceland where I had the adventure of a lifetime! I had plans, yet I was able to improvise and make spontaneous choices within that structure. I maximized the benefits of both numbers, and so can you!
When proper planning and provisions are in place, the 5 can become less chaotic and a lot more fun! You want to get all the hard work of the 4 well in hand so that you can maximize the thrill-seeking, lust-for-life vibe of the 5 to your best advantage. The 5 screams “Let’s play!” while the 4 calmly yet firmly responds “After you do your chores.” Work hard upfront, and you can play hard on the back end- but always, ALWAYS while keeping the responsible 4 in mind. If you don’t, the 4 will push back and playtime will be over. The 4 will become the parent grounding the rebellious 5 teenager, taking away video games and ordering them to clean their room, where these orders will be inevitably greeted with middle fingers a-blazing. Heels will be dug in, nothing will get done, and there will be more chaos for chaos’s sake. UGH. We don’t need any more of that!
No doubt these two numbers are wildly dissimilar. In a glaringly notable example of this dynamic, the United States with its 5 Birthpath Number is also going through its own 5 Personal Year. The 4 Universal Year is dealing out lessons in restraint and maintaining order. Meanwhile, the USA with its 5 Birthpath AND Personal Year is responding to that conventional vibe in a decidedly unconventional way. Doesn’t this dynamic become incredibly clear when you view it through the numbers?
It doesn’t have to be this way. The 5 and the 4 can play nice. Good things can happen when we take the best qualities of both numbers and fuse them together. This is how we can achieve integration, unification, and ascension. As a really cool musical example, few things blend the hip, original 5 and the unique use of the quarter note (4) like Dave Brubeck’s classic, Take Five. (I just had to point this out- I was a music major, after all!)
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So. As always, this leaves us with the question: What the heck can we do?
~ Expect the unexpected. Stay flexible. In these already tumultuous times, the 5 could give us whiplash, so try to avoid highly reactive behavior. Instead, take a positive page out of the 5’s book and pay attention to your body. If you are feeling rigid, get up and stretch. Move. Don’t hold on to tension. Breathe. Drink enough water. Get enough rest. Beg a family member to give you a chair massage. Whatever it takes, do it!
~ The 5 is VERY SKILLED at catching folks by surprise. Therefore, have contingency plans in place, as is appropriate for your situation. If you live in a wildfire-prone area, have an evacuation plan. If your kids are still attending school in person, prepare now for virtual learning just in case. If you are worried about your health, make sure your insurance and POA paperwork are fully up to date. Remember, the 4 rules the four walls with which we surround ourselves. Some of us are being driven inside those walls; others are being driven out. Under the 5’s wild child influence, one minute we are here; in the next, we may find ourselves in a very different environment. Don’t think it can’t happen to you. When the 5 is in play, anything can happen.
~ Make personal plans in case you end up in quarantine or in a lockdown-style situation. Start to think of what kind of fun you can have under your own roof to avoid going stir-crazy. Personally speaking, it’s been soul-crushing that my passport is now basically useless. Planning overseas trips has been my greatest joy, and now that’s on indefinite hold. Therefore, we are getting the latest version of Microsoft Flight Simulator so we can pretend to travel to all those far-flung airports we are desperately aching to see. I’ll be able to travel and explore from the comfort of my own home, which will help alleviate some of my sorrow and cheer my heavy heart.
~ Both the 4 and 5 are physical numbers. Thinking about tending to your health more diligently? If so, why wait until New Years? You’ve got both the disciplined 4 and can-do 5 in your corner. Eliminate that food that tastes great but makes you feel ill afterward. Start a reasonable, sustainable exercise regimen. You don’t have to revamp everything. You can start small- but just start already! With time, you will reap the rewards. Plus it will enhance your overall feeling of well-being. And who couldn’t use more of that nowadays? Besides, the flip side of the 5 is taking things to excess and overindulging. You can choose movement, or you can choose gluttony. It’s up to you of course, but only one of those choices will love you back.
~ Although caregiving often falls under the 6 vibe, hospitals are inherent upholders of 4 virtues. They strive to keep order and protect the structure (4) of people’s bodies and health (5). If they become overstretched and fall into chaos, so will the community they are devoted to supporting. Suppose your local hospitals are making statements about becoming overstretched and are pleading for cooperation with social distancing and avoiding gatherings. In that case, it is ultimately in your (and your loved ones’) best interest to take them at their word. By itself, the 5 can be a rather lucky influence. However when paired with the 4, you’ve got an energetically strict taskmaster in tow. It can be a risky combo, so be careful. If your local medical professionals are telling you that they are overwhelmed, please help them out. Heed their advice. Remember, they WANT to do their best for you and your community. We can help them help us.
~ Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that the lead-up to the upcoming United States election has already been chock full of anger and bitterness. And it’s only going to get worse. Political candidates and opponents will be ramping up their attacks and bringing competitiveness to new levels. The stakes are high, and the conversations are increasingly heated. People are irritable. Pissy. Antagonistic. Anxious. Hurting. Scared. Think about the ripple effect we have on one another. Are you going to add to the noisiness? If so, first ask yourself if your motivations are just and fair. As for me, I personally will be avoiding the debates and all political ads like the plague. The world doesn’t need any more rage thrown into the pot, so I will be eliminating these pot-stirring sources from my life and energetic field. This small decision will keep me from putting more heaviness and ugly emotions into my immediate environment. Will it make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things? Admittedly, probably not. However I will be calmer, which in kind will make me calmer in my interactions with others. Even in the face of upheaval, I can radiate quiet strength. We all have choices. What will you choose to do in your own corner of the world?
~ Get outside! The gregarious 5 vibe beckons people to get some fresh air and exercise. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, many of us are bracing for cold weather and being stuck inside very soon. If that describes your situation, throw on some outdoor gear and get out there while you still can!
In summation, when that Wheel of Fortune spins, any one of us could be on the losing end. You just never know, so don’t get cocky! Stay grounded and calm, yet prepared. Review all the important details. Have a Plan A, Plan B, and a Plan C. Do all the responsible crap. Get it out of the way, and/or make it a habit. Be disciplined, attentive, and organized. THEN you can focus on finding new ways to have some fun and make your own adventures!
One last note: we are entering the shadow period of the upcoming 5 Universal Year. Throw in a fun little Mercury Retrograde from October 14th through November 3rd for good measure (thanks Mercury! UGH!), and… yeah. This is a recipe for chaos if I ever saw one. So take everything I just described about the 5 to heart, because we’re going to get more of this very soon. It will likely get way messier before it gets calmer. As the Sea Captain from The Simpsons once said, “Fairly warned be thee, says I!”
Notable quotes for the 5/4 combo:
“If you invest nothing, the reward is worth little.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich
“Play by example. Work by example. Lead by example. Live by example.”
― Matshona Dhliwayo
“Be steady and well-ordered in your life so that you can be fierce and original in your work.”
― Gustave Flaubert
“Work-life balance is a fallacy. Work-life freedom is the goal.”
― Richie Norton
“When he worked, he really worked. But when he played, he really PLAYED.”
― Dr. Seuss
This blog, and all blogs on this website © Bethany Abrahamson 2020 – InTheKnow Tarot+Numerology LLC. All rights reserved.